Sister Melinda Dee Prove Reluctant to Respond to Possible Reversed

Posted by Unknown Jumat, 30 September 2011 0 comments
Sister Melinda Dee Prove Reluctant to Respond to Possible Reversed Jakarta - Melinda Dee's sister, Visca Lovitasari reluctant to respond to possible applications of proof to dismantle the flow of funds worth Rp 8 billion into their accounts

This method is recommended by the Law on Money Laundering and successfully practiced in cases of corruption of tax officials Bahasyim Assifiie some time ago. "If the problem is, we talk some other time," said attorney Lovitasari Visca, Devie Waluyo after the trial in District Court of South Jakarta, Jl Raya Ampera on Wednesday (28/09/2011). 

In addition to Visca, prosecutors also indicted Melinda Dee gave the proceeds to the husband broke into Citibank customers Visca, Ismail. Ismail accommodated value reached USD 21.4 billion by mode via the company Ekclusive Jaya Perkasa PT. "The method of proof entar dululah. Responded it was too premature, "said Arya Wicaksana prosecutors in a similar opportunity. Visca designated as a defendant after it holds the proceeds of crime from his brother. Attorney Arya said Malinda Dee funneling money to his brother in stages until it reaches the value of more than USD 8 billion, in the period January 24, 2007 until October 19, 2010. 

Arya explains the first stage of Rp2.063.723.000 Malinda deposit money. Then, Malinda provide more money for a total of Rp 5,429,199,000. In the third stage, the wife of siri Andhika this Gumilang deposit Rp 66 million. Finally, former Citibank Relationship Manager gave money worth USD 401.48 million to Visca Lovita. 

Money has been received by Visca, said Arya, Malinda deposited back to the account of others as well as companies that dealt with his brother. "The defendant got a reward from Inong Malinda Dee average about Rp 5 million per transaction," said Arya. (Ari / gun)


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